Who Am I

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Who Am I
WHO AM I.....???!I was I born into this world without anyone knowing whatthe intent and purpose is created.
I is I who is said long before I created has occurredcovenant between me and God that I never knewpreviously.
I was I being his creation, which in no penciptaankuwho knows the intent and purpose, because it is aSecret.
I think I was the devil and angel in sightcreation beings like me will only lead to bloodshedand chaos.I was I when my duty to prove them wrong prejudices,that the creation I would create peace.I was I who thought I was created only to worship.
I was the devil and I where jinpun created to worshipHim, who in dalamya run an obedience to Him,where obedience becomes a view to us theireach run.
Man runs his obedience to follow asApostle recommend.Satan and Jin run the submission by running immoral.
I was the last I think I on what has happened toan event where for the Muslims believe in whatMuhammad received previously.I was I do not know what or who is Muhammadpraying before he introduced Jibril of God.I was I do not know what Muhammad embraced religionbefore he founded and spread Islam.
I was I do not know what the book orgrip Muhammad before he was appointed receiver, carrierand propagator of the Koran.
I was saying what I diamana beliefs that makeMuhammad get a change by accepting the first paragraphsurat Al 'Alaq, which to me is a greatest bond of all humanman with his Lord, since the time of Adam untilMuhammad is instructed to call on the name of his Lord.
I was I when I mention his nameWhich brings me to a change and a big question occurred."Who I am and who my Lord?"
I was I in which the experience took me on knowing whoI am and who God is.With a hadith "Who knows himself will knowLord.And finally,
I was not me because the essence of everything is God, but Godnot me, it is clear the difference between the Creator and thecreated.

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